16 Mai 2013

« Coping with the economic take-off of Africa: the role of China » by Pr Huang

Evénements – Conférence
restaurant « La Grappe d’Or », Rue des Pâquis 19, 1201 Genève | Accès tout public

What is the role for China to cope with Africa‘s rising? Driven by the pace of reforms, strategic behaviour and the demand for raw materials, economic relations between China and Africa are seen a major component of the take-off of African countries. In the talk, Professor Yi will emphasise on the channels from international trade, financial flows and related spillover effects. In addition, he will adress the potential substantial benefits arising from learning by trading and growing by investment’s interconnections.

Les intervenants
Yi Huang

Associate Professor, International Economics Affiliated to the Centre for Finance and Development, The Graduate Institute, Geneva